CMTC History

The Crape Myrtle Tennis Classic was first held in July 2004 as North Carolina's first GLTA sanctioned tennis tournament.  The name "Crape Myrtle" comes from the Crape Myrtle trees indigenous to the area, which typically bloom in the the month of July.

While the July provides great weather for Crape Myrtle trees, the typical 90 to 100 degree days can be oppressive for tennis matches.  As a result, in 2007, we moved the tournament to the month of October, where warm Fall days are still common, but often without the excessive heat and humidity.

Over 500 players have participated in the first six CMTCs, with some traveling from as far as California, Oregon, and Europe. Now in our 7th year, we hope to continue growing and attracting competitive players from all divisions on the GLTA circuit.